
Do you ever feel like life is getting busy and the demands seem overwhelming? 

In conversations with my clients, the common narrative revolves around doing more within less time. The never-ending “To Do” list, mounting responsibilities, and trying to manage work-life balance leave little room for moments to catch our breath and practice self-care.

Our bodies are not built for this endless stress. It’s no wonder we can’t cope effectively.

Consequently, the stress we experience can manifest in feelings of overwhelm, impatience, and a reduced ability to handle daily challenges. Have you noticed yourself becoming more irritable behind the wheel, turning to stress eating, or engaging in arguments over trivial matters with your partner? These are telltale signs that you are not coping well.

Stress doesn’t just affect our mental well-being; it takes a toll on our physical health too. Having worked as a registered nurse, I’ve witnessed firsthand how stress contributes to health issues.

A staggering 80% of medical visits stem from stress-related problems such as bodily aches, compromised immunity, and elevated blood pressure.

But here’s the silver lining: You possess the ability to instill calmness through simple practices that shift you from a state of stress to one of peace and relaxation.

When stress hits, our bodies revert to the primal “fight or flight” response—once essential for survival when facing tigers in the wilderness while hunting for food. However, in today’s world, these triggers are more likely to be negative thoughts, worries, or fears rather than actual physical threats.

This response unleashes stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, causing increased heart rate and muscle tension—preparing us to flee or fight. It’s this chronic stress from things like being stuck in traffic every day or when the bills keep piling up that becomes an issue. The body’s alarm system remains activated, negatively impacting our health and well-being.

The good news is that we can move out of the “fight or flight” response to the opposite—”rest and digest,” also known as the relaxation response. But to trigger this shift, we need activities that activate relaxation.

Consider these four practices as gateways to engaging the relaxation response, helping to balance the nervous system, and creating calm:

1. Reiki
2. Breathwork
3. Meditation
4. Yoga

These practices work wonders in calming the mind and relaxing the body.

Consistency is key to reaping their benefits. Prioritizing these practices in your daily routine is akin to preventive medicine for your mind and body—an investment well worth making for a healthier, more balanced, and calm life.

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