
Are you confused about how to lose weight? It’s no wonder; it seems like every day there are new studies, celebrity endorsements, and a new diet promising weight loss. It’s frustrating.

If you are feeling overwhelmed about what will help you lose weight, instead of paying attention to all of the conflicting information, what really matters is being able to figure out what will work for YOU. Let’s face it, just because your sister lost weight following a fad diet, it may not work for you. And most likely, her efforts were fleeting.

All of the information overload only leads to confusion –or even worse– paralysis.

I am a registered nurse and board-certified health, wellness, and nutrition coach, so I look at evidence-based research. I can get behind the Mediterranean diet, but the cabbage soup diet…I don’t think so!

Listen To Your Inner Wisdom

Ask yourself why you want to improve your health and your weight. This is an important first step whenever we are thinking about changing our habits.

Is it because somebody else wants you to change (extrinsic motivation) or does it come from your own desire (intrinsic motivation)? Is it because society says that you should be thinner, or is it because you want to have more energy and reduce your risk for chronic diseases like diabetes , cancer and heart disease?

Why I ask “Why?”

As a health and wellness coach this is a crucial first step when I work with clients. My role is to share the latest evidence-based information about health and wellness and to help my clients reach their goals in a way that best suits their lifestyle. But unless my clients connect with their true inner motivation to make those changes, chances are, they aren’t quite ready to make the changes they say they want to.

I don’t have the answers.

Part of the coaching relationship is not about providing answers, it’s about helping you to trust your own inner wisdom. After all, who knows you better than yourself? My role is to provide guidance, support, and accountability to help you get to where you want to go.

Let’s take a look at two important areas of health and wellness and ways in which you can start to trust your own inner wisdom:

FOOD–There is no one diet that works for everybody, but there are eating patterns that most research agrees will bring about improved health and weight management.  So how do you figure out what will work for you?

The key is to listen to your body. How do you feel after meals? Do certain foods increase your energy while others leave you ready for a nap? What foods are you craving? Are those cravings related to what and when you are eating, or are they related to your emotions or stress?

Your job is to figure out which cravings come from a physical issue – such as low blood sugar – and which are simply showing up because you are seeking comfort from food.

Tip: Keep a food and mood journal for 7 days and track how you’re feeling throughout the day.  What is your mood? How do you feel before and after eating? You may be surprised at the insights you gain with this simple exercise.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY–Physical activity should include aerobic training for improved cardiovascular health and weight training to maintain muscle mass, and we also need to focus on flexibility and sitting less throughout the day.

There are many options  available; from yoga to Pilates, swimming, dancing or gardening.  The point is that variety is important. Having fun is important. And not injuring yourself is really important!

Tip: Move more and vary your routines. Of course, if you want to burn fat and build muscle, there are certain ways to train to do that.  

Being toned and fit doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re healthy unless all aspects of your health are taken into account. That is why my coaching programs focus on your lifestyle, mind, and body.

Tuning in takes some practice. One day of a food mood journal or trying one type of yoga may not reveal any huge insights, but you must start somewhere!

Be consistent, and have patience. Small steps will help you reach your health and weight-loss goals.

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A Holistic Approach for Permanent Weight Loss - It’s not a diet… it’s a lifestyle!

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