
It is easy to feel defeated when our goals to lose weight seem out of reach, but when we give ourselves the space to reflect on what we are  – – and aren’t doing – – we can maintain perspective and come up with a new plan.

Eating healthier and exercising more isn’t always easy, but breaking down the challenges and seeking support and accountability can be the secret to long-term success.

Disappointment in yourself over the half-hearted weight loss attempts or starts and stops can be debilitating to your sense of self-worth.

I’ve seen this with so many of the women I work with. They get caught up in the quick fix or “all or nothing” mindset, only to find their efforts short lived. They end up blaming themselves and they stay stuck in a vicious cycle of on-again off-again dieting.

Weight loss and wellbeing is not linear. They don’t always go up and to the right. When we encounter failures or obstacles, we can allow them to knock us down or use them as a learning experience and seek a different way. A saner way.

Setbacks and frustrations are inevitable. I have worked with over hundreds of women on their weight loss journeys. What they all had in common was their resilience, their ability to look at what wasn’t working and be open to try something different.

Sometimes all it takes is a change in perspective to help you reach your weight loss goals, once and for all.

If you are seeking support and accountability, working with a health coach could be the key to your success. To learn more, you can schedule your complimentary consultation Here.

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A Holistic Approach for Permanent Weight Loss - It’s not a diet… it’s a lifestyle!

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