
Over twenty years ago I tried a plant-based diet on the advice of a holistic nutrition practitioner that I was working with in order to address bloating, low energy and excess weight.

What I Learned

I didn’t understand what it meant to follow a healthy plant-based diet. I just assumed if I wasn’t eating meat, and I was a bit more careful about my food choices, my health would improve. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Let me share with you a typical day of what I considered to be healthier eating.

For breakfast, I switched from Cocoa Puffs to Raisin Bran, with a glass of orange juice.

Lunch consisted of a salad with croutons, cheese and ranch dressing. My afternoon snack was a granola bar and fruit on the bottom yogurt.

Dinner was a big bowl of pasta with cheese and tomato sauce, and ice cream for dessert.

I cringe when I think about my “healthier” food choices. At the time, I had no idea about the effect of processed carbs and hidden added sugars in foods on my health. I was also clueless about the importance of getting adequate lean protein in my diet.

Essentially, I was still eating a typical Western Diet- a diet that research shows leads to inflammation, poor gut health, and a host of chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and obesity.

My health continued to get worse and my weight wouldn’t budge. I realized that I couldn’t figure this out on my own.

I got additional support from the practitioner that I had initially consulted with and learned more about plant-based nutrition. I experimented with different plant-based foods and started eating healthier carbs and fats. Finally, I started seeing results.

Key Take-Aways

Look For Hidden Sugars

I learned how to read food labels and decipher hidden added sugars in “healthy” foods. I was shocked to see all the sugar that was in foods that I never expected- my “healthy” breakfast, my snacks, even the tomato sauce that I was eating, all loaded with added sugar.

Limit Processed Carbs

I had no idea that that my pasta was made with processed white flour. These types of processed carbs quickly convert to glucose, which caused my blood sugar to dip… which led to my mid-day energy to crash… which led to cravings for sugary, high carb foods. It was a vicious cycle.

Add in Healthier Carbs

I discovered whole wheat pasta and I learned to add in vegetables to keep the portion of pasta manageable. I also added more leafy greens, and more vegetables in general to my diet, as well as low-glycemic fruits.

Incorporate Plant-Based Protein

I needed to eat protein at every meal to help keep me satiated, maintain my lean muscle mass and help balance my blood sugar. I found interesting ways to prepare tofu, legumes and beans. I also found a delicious plant-based protein powder that I swapped out for my previously unhealthy breakfast. It turned out to be a life-saver!

The Results

I started to notice that my energy was more level throughout the day and my cravings had diminished. My bloating disappeared and my weight eventually leveled off. I was so excited that I didn’t need to take a nap during the day!! I finally felt like a “normal” person.

Things have certainly come a long way from when I was starting my plant-based diet journey!

Today, it has become so much easier to find healthy plant-based foods.

Tofu is commonplace in the grocery store and plant-based milks are plentiful.

No longer is a salad the only “vegetarian” offering at restaurants, and It’s not uncommon to find vegetarian grain bowls with beans or plant-based burgers on menus.

Incorporating a plant-based, whole food approach to eating will be much easier to manage if you’re paying attention to lifestyle foundations. That includes getting at least seven hours of quality sleep every night, managing stress, keeping a healthy mindset, and maintaining a consistent and well-rounded exercise schedule.

Would you like to learn how to improve your lifestyle and transition to a more plant-based, whole food diet?

>>>Click here to contact me<<<

Health isn’t just physical! It’s mental, emotional, and spiritual. That’s why I recommend building new routines (and a positive mindset) using my Holistic Pillars for Healthy Living: Nourishment, Movement, Sleep, Stress Management, and Connection. 

The tips in this post are part of the what I teach clients through my 3 month coaching programs. Tips like these these work best if you have the right steps, support and accountability.

When we work together, I’ll help you to create a sustainable plan so that you can reach your health, wellness and weight loss goals in a way that is in alignment with the vision you have for yourself.

If you’re ready to go from feeling stuck and hopeless to feeling confident and empowered, contact me for a free consultation.

>>>Click here to contact me<<<

We’ll use our time together to will look at what you’re doing now, what’s working and what’s not working, and recommendations for next steps.

You may have had trouble making changes in the past, and I want to show you that this time can be different – especially if you have someone to encourage you, support you, and guide you, one small step at a time.

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